
佐藤ベジ Vege Sato

*En follows Jp

BORN TO YOG主宰・YOG(株)代表取締役

近代ヨガの巨人ダーマ・ミトラ師の直弟子であり本部HPに名を連ねた非在米初のアジア人。怒濤のヨガクラス「BORN TO YOG」を考案し、ハイレベルで三時間しかも毎日というスタイルを確立。革新ヨガマット「YOG MAT」製造販売、アサナ8割TT「BTYTT」主催、魅せるヨガ「YOGA JAM」牽引、スタ誕企画「TOP GUN」プロデュース、パークヨガ完成形「weyog」など、活動は多岐に渡る。ここ数年の本業は二人の子育て。

Vege Sato is a founder of BORN TO YOG(a method of acrobatic yoga asana training), CEO of YOG Inc. (a brand of the revolutionary yoga mat), certified teacher of Dharma Yoga. Director & Producer of TOP GUN(next-gen yoga show), and Head Coach of BTYTT(an asana intensive teacher training) as well. He has spent more than ten years of practicing Yoga and tries to live the life of a yogi fully. His first yoga teacher Tomo Sato was the person to bring Dharma Yoga from NYC to Japan. It took only a few days for her dream, to spread cool style yoga in Japan, to become their shared dream. Tomo and Vege are now married with two kids. After retiring from hectic media business in his 20’s, Vege started learning directly from Sri. Dharma Mittra in NYC. After a bunch of intensive training in NY with his guru, he received certification to teach Dharma Yoga as the sole scholarship recipient in 2010. He is the first Asian to be listed on the webpage of Dharma Yoga HQ as a World Wide Teacher. He enjoys playing football and basketball with his kids every early morning.